Monday, February 29, 2016

Horton Hatches the Egg

Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss!

Since March 2nd is the legendary Dr Seuss' birthday, I have created a lesson plan that incorporates reading, singing, and playing instruments with his book, "Horton Hatches the Egg."

I definitely cannot take credit for this idea -- I got the idea from Ms. Benson (you can be redirected to her blog by clicking on her name)!  She originally did a melody to the book "There's A Wocket In My Pocket!"

Prep for Success -- Internalizing Pitches and Intervals

We did our standard warm-ups from the last class, with rhythm reading two measures in 4/4 time (using only quarter notes and eighth notes).  We also sang our intervals from last week (Sol, Mi, Do), and introducing "Re" for this exercise.

Once the children were comfortable with the intervals and hand signs, I had them sing, "Sol-Mi-Sol-Mi-Mi-Mi-Re-Do" on half notes (Sol-Mi-Sol-Mi) and quarter notes (Mi-Mi), another half note (Re) and finally a whole note (Do) while using their hand signs.  I then added the words "Hor-ton, Hor-ton, Faithful and True."


I had the children move back to the Orff instruments, and we practice playing the same melody while singing.  I then read the book to them, and after each page I read, they perform the melody on their instruments while singing.

What I Would Change Next Time:

I think that it would be really great to add an ostinato to this melody, and perhaps a bass line for my more advanced students.  An ostinato, or just playing two notes back and forth, would be great for my kids who are having a harder time keeping up with the melody, and adding different parts would challenge my more advanced children.  Like I said for the Kindergarten class, I'd love to have enough mallets for the kids to have two each.

Standards Being Met

Second Grade

Sings songs from memory.
MU.2.S.2.1, MU.2.S.3.2
Play songs from memory.
Sing age-appropriate songs using proper vocal technique.

Third Grade

Bring a story or poem to life with music and/or movement.

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