Monday, February 29, 2016

Song of the Week

Each week, students spend the last few minutes of class listening to a classical piece of music.  They are asked to close their eyes and listen for specific musical elements, and what kind of mood or feeling it evokes within them.

This week, our song was a movement from Antonio Vivaldi's violin concerti, The Four Seasons entitled "Spring."

I asked the students to tell me what instruments they hear in the piece, and why they think this piece is called "Spring" (i.e. it sounds faster, more joyful, et cetera).

Standards Being Met


MU.K.C.1.2, MU.K.C.1.3
Identify sounds and instruments visually and aurally.

First Grade

MU.1.C.1.1, MU.1.C.1.2, MU.1.C.3.1  
Respond to musical ideas to show how it makes one feel and share responses with others.

Second Grade

MU.2.C.1.2, MU.2.C.3.1
Form opinions about music and discuss it with others.

Third Grade

Respond to and compare individual interpretations of a musical work.

Fourth Grade

MU.4.C.1.1, MU.4.C.3.1
Develop effective listening strategies to describe the characteristics of a musical work.

Fifth Grade

MU.5.C.1.1, MU.5.O1.1
Listen to and describe various elements when analyzing a musical work using correct vocabulary.

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